01/10/2009 - 2010 aerial flowering assessments begin
Each year, Forest Solutions undertakes a series of aerial flowering assessments in the mountains of eastern Victoria. These are undertaken using a Cessna 172 Hawk XP, and flown along mountain contours at various elevations mapping forest stands in flower. These stands may produce seed for collection 1-2 years later, and finding their locations is critical. These flights are an integral component of the flowering and seed forecasting project, undertaken by Forest Solutions for VicForests and DSE. Flights for Silvertop Ash (Eucalyptus sieberi) have been undertaken in East Gippsland for the first time, indicating promising crops in this species. Seed is crucial to forest recovery and regeneration operations, and these missions ensure the best management of seed resources and their most effective use over time.
Mountain Ash (E. regnans), Alpine Ash (E. delegatensis), Cuttial (E. fastigata), Messmate (E. obliqua), and Shining Gum (E. nitens/debticulata) are yet to be flown later in 2009/10.