Forest Solutions

Confidence    Experience    Knowledge

Aiding Recovery, Assisting Restoration, and Building Resilience for Australia's Temperate Forests

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forest1.5-webForest Solutions started as a small partnership in late 2008. In early 2010 following a series of successes, the partnership Incorporated as part of a plan to grow our capacity. Our vision is to provide a range of forest management services, delivered with high-end expertise. These include; forest based investigation, systems development, aerial services, forest education and training, forest monitoring, forest recovery following disturbances such as bushfire or timber harvesting, and specialist advise and operations in Silviculture. We base all our forest services on the principles of applied ecology.

Australia's forest communities require active management. Fires cause damage, our community requires eco-services from timber products, water, to recreation, and the results of most related disturbance is the need for forest recovery by regeneration. Forests do have a huge capacity for self-regeneration, but there are times when we must assist with active management; using the time-proven techniques of Silviculture. At Forest Solutions, we are Silviculture specialists.

Our skills include the discipline of Restoration Silviculture, a growing trend world-wide that is being used to restore degraded forests in special reserves such as Regional, State and National Parks, or reclaiming damaged lands for reservation and recreation.

Forest Solutions can not only directly assist you to manage, recover, or rehabilitate the forests you manage, but also to build their resilience to change, risk, future threats, and uncertainties.

Silviculture can also be used to benefit biodiversity. Practicing retention of forest elements, manipulating forest structures to meet key biodiversity objectives, and balancing the affects of these practices with other forest values is what we can help you achieve.

Managing forests can be a daunting task, requiring experience, confidence, and a high level of specialised skill. These skills can be hard to find. Your confidence to achieve your organisation's forest management objectives is therefore our key concern.

We welcome you to Forest Solutions.

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