Forest Solutions has been chosen by DSE (via tender) to undertake a review of their guideline "Seedcrop Monitoring and Assessment". This guideline is one a series known as the Native Forest Silviculture Guideline (NFSG) series, and was the very first guideline originally produced by DSE (then NRE) in 1993 (NFSG No. 1). The guidelines provide forest managers with the practical knowledge and techniques to apply sustainable silviculture to Victoria's native state forests. Eucalypt seed is critical to forest recovery and regeneration following bushfires and other disturbances such as timber harvesting. Finding the seed resources and being able to assess its quality and abundance prior to seed collection is critical for cost-effective seed management. Since 1993 there have been many new developments, and staff at Forest Solutions have been central to this development - alongside DSE and VicForests. The new revised version of "NFSG No. 1" will reflect these significant developments, and increase our capacity to better manage native forests.