Forest Solutions

Confidence    Experience    Knowledge

Aiding Recovery, Assisting Restoration, and Building Resilience for Australia's Temperate Forests

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Ecological Thinning - a tool to assist recovery of forest biodiversity values. Trust For Nature seeks guidence from Forest Solutions to implement ecological thinning in out-of-reserve Box-Ironbark in Victoria.

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Owen Bassett


Director and Principal Consultant


Owen is an experienced Silviculture Scientist, and is Forest Solution's Principal Consultant. Under-pinning his career of 26 years is a life-long concern and passionate interest in Australia's native forests.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Forest Science from Melbourne University in 1987, with an ecology major under the tutelage of the late Dr David Ashton, Ecologist. Owen studied key ecological interactions between the Superb Lyrebird and its Mountain Ash forest environment in Central Victoria.

He has since specialised in applied ecology and native forest silviculture, with notable experience in forest-based Research and Development (Victoria and Tasmania). He undertook field-based research with the Silvicultural Systems Project (SSP) in both East Gippsland (mixed species forests) and the Central Highlands (Mountain Ash forests), and provided Forestry Tasmania with guidance during the design and early establishment of the Warra LTER research site in Southern Tasmania. Owen is particularly passionate about the conversion of research into the development of practical, operational techniques and guidelines for forest management.

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Cameron Paterson

Cam_200Principal Contractor P&O, and Operations Manager for Forest Solutions

Cameron Paterson is the Principal Contractor and Partner of P&O Farm Forestry Services. During 2009, to increase its operational capacity, Forest Solutions developed a strong alliance with P&O. That alliance remains strong today, and Cam acts as Operations manager for Forest Solutions.

Cam has an impressive track record for providing timely operational services in all combinations of conditions and timeframes. His work ethic is underpinned by diligence and integrity. At one end of his skills-spectrum Cam is a natural bushman, with essential navigation and forest trekking skills for rugged forest work. This is complimented by Cam's understanding of research technique for which he undertakes fine field measurements and intricate lab analysis of small forest components when required.

Cam is an experienced and trained 4WD operator with over 25 years experience travelling mountain and forest environments in SE Australia. His vehicle is fully equipped for remote travel and retrieval, and he is willing to travel anywhere in Australia to fulfil his objectives.

He is a trained aerial observer, and his personal physiology enables him to withstand heavy air work in light aircraft for mountain contour work and high altitude aerial photography.

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Ron Walpole


ron_walpole_250Ron Walpole is the Chief Pilot of his own family flying business (Holiday Air Adventures) and is associated with Forest Solutions Pty Ltd to fly missions around Victoria's Alpine and forest communities - undertaking aerial assessments and photography. Owen Bassett and/or Cameron Paterson fly with Ron as aerial observers and photographers, and assist with navigation and communications.

Ron is an experienced pilot. He joined the Royal Australian Air Force in 1976 at Point Cook, and was also awarded his Science Degree at Melbourne University in 1978. He then undertook pilot training on number 110 Pilots Course in 1980, on the CT4 Airtrainer and Aermacchi jet trainer in Pearce WA. He went on to fly for a number of postings with the magnificent transport Lockheed C130 Hercules at No. 37 Squadron.

Ron spent most of his RAAF career flying out of Richmond NSW 'exploring' much of the globe. He was also based at East Sale and Point Cook in Victoria, and Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains NSW.

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Jenny Bassett


JenB_20Management, Administration and Support

Jenny is our Co-Director and Secretary, and provides administrative and technical support.

Jenny has a strong affinity and regard for forest environments. At a personal level she uses forests for quiet rest and contemplation, and maintains an abiding interest in professional forest activities undertaken by Forest Solutions; assisting with measurements, sample analysis , data management and field observations. She has a particular capacity for observation, having discovered a number of rare orchid species in recent years.

As a trained and qualified Teacher, Jenny brings to Forest Solutions a valuable knowledge of training. She assists with the development of training packages delivered by Owen. She also provides an invaluable support capacity, enabling data and information management, laboratory analysis of forest samples, business development, document review and corporate planning.

Jenny has a strong sense of ethics that enhances our culture and business integrity. Her empathy, understanding and intuitive capacity with people provides a strong HR management capacity for Forest Solutions. It is our vision that Forest Solutions will become an employer of choice, with staff and contractors choosing to associate long-term.

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